
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020

Class 41

 Hello, WELCOME TO OUR LAST LESSON! Open your student's book on page 86. Watch this video. Then, open your activity book on page 67. Watch this video. HOMEWORK Write sentences about what you did last weekend. Take a picture and send it. (Escribí oraciones sobre lo que hiciste el fin de semana pasado. Saca una foto y envíasela a tu Miss) Copy in your folder and rewrite the sentences in their negative form. (Copia en tu carpeta y transforma estas oraciones en forma negativa) Sentence Transformation 1- Rewrite these sentences into their negative form. a) Jane goes to the park in the afternoon. b) Ken and Bill like playing football. c) I swam in the pool last weekend. d) Lucy has got the new Play Station. e) I am eating a pizza. Take a picture and send it to your Miss. (Sácale una foto y envíaselo a tu Miss) Check the book and activity book activities (Revisa lo que hiciste en libro y cartilla) SEE YOU DURING THE EXAMS.

Class 40

Tuesday, 17 november                                   How are you kids? We hope you are quite great!! -Today we are going to deal with "irregular verbs" Simple past .   ( Hoy trabajaremos con el pasado simple verbos irregulares) -Now let´s start with it. Open your folders and copy the charts.  ( Abrir la carpeta y copiar la teoría)     Los verbos irregulares son aquellos que cambian  en su forma de escribir. Recordemos que por el contrario a los verbos  regulares solo le agregamos  -ED. - Here we have the 3 forms: affirmative, negative and interrogative                         -Now copy in your folder this list of verbs:   ( Copiar esta lista de verbos en la carpeta) -Let´s put this in practise and  some places´ vocabulary. -Open your activity book on page 64. 1) Look at the pictures and rearrange...

Class 39

  Hello kids! How are you today? Let's start module 8. Open your pupil's book on page 80 VOCABULARY: Types of programmes (tipos de programas) 1. Escuchar, señalar y repetir. AUDIO 2. Mirar y decir... "I watched a........" Now, let's go to page 81 SIMPLE PAST- REGULAR VERBS Cuando queremos hacer oraciones en pasado los verbos se dividen en dos partes: REGULARES e IRREGULARES.  Hoy vamos a ver los regulares. Son los que agregan -ed al final en oraciones positivas. Open your folders. Copy the date and the following chart. (Abro la carpeta, copio la fecha de hoy y el siguiente cuadro). -ED RULES: Now, let's practice!  3. Look and write. (Mirar lo que hizo cada uno y escribir oraciones con los verbos en -ed). Open your Activity books on page 62 and 63. 1. Complete and find the stickers. (Completar y pegar los stickers). 2. Look and write. (Mirar y escribir los verbos). 3. Read and write. (leer y escribir el verbo con -ed) 4. What did they do yesterday? Ask and answ...


  Hi kids! How are you? We hope you are fine  ✌😊 We have finished Unit 7, Lets´s play games to revise the topics.  Which are the topics in Unit 7 ?  *Adjectives: cute-noisy-quiet-dirty-naughty-happy-sad-funny *Was/Were *There was/ There were Open these links to play the games * There was/There were * Was/Were Let´s start working ... 1-OPEN YOUR BOOK ON PAGE 79 (Abran sus libros en la pagina 79) EXERCISE 1- Read and match. (Lean y unan) EXERCISE 2- Read and complete (Lean y completen) EXERCISE 3- Read and complete (Lean y completen) 1-OPEN YOUR ACTIVITY BOOK ON PAGES 60 AND 61) (Abran sus cartillas en las paginas 60 y 61) Exercise 1  Look read and circle (Miren, lean y hagan un circulo en la opción correcta). Exercise 2 Read and circle (Lean y hagan un circulo en la opción correcta) Exercise 3 Look, read and answer (Miren, lean y contesten).  Exercise 4 Match   (Unir ) . Exercise 5 audio Where was Kim last week?  Listen and write the date. ( ¿D...